Health Innovation North West Coast is supporting the rollout and implementation of a series of initiatives aimed at enabling care to be offered within patients' homes.

Find out more about NHS @Home >>>


Blood Pressure @Home

As part of the wider Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programme, Health Innovation North West Coast is delivering local projects to reduce hypertension and encourage home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM), supporting nationally driven initiatives to encourage patients to remotely monitor their blood pressure.

Find out more >


Proactive Care @Home

Proactive management of Long-Term Conditions (LTCs).

Find out more >


COVID Oximetry @Home

Health Innovation North West Coast is supporting the rollout and implementation of Covid Oximetry@Home, Covid Virtual Wards and Proactive Care @Home across the North West Coast.

COVID Oximetry @Home describes an enhanced package of care for individuals with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 who are at risk of future deterioration. NHS England and NHS Improvement wrote to all CCGs and trusts to encourage the development of local CO@H projects, as outlined in this SOP. This work has been featured on the BBC.

The CO@H package of care involves the remote monitoring of the individual's condition through regular contact with a local health care team who will reassess the individual’s symptoms (including oxygen saturation levels). This close monitoring enables the individual to remain at their usual place of residence while allowing early signs of deterioration to be identified and escalated quickly and appropriately.


COVID virtual ward

The COVID virtual ward model is a secondary care-led initiative to support early and safe discharge for patients. It has already been implemented in some parts of the country where it is having an impact in reducing emergency admissions. It builds on the COVID Oximetry @Home model previously approved by the National Incident and Response Board (NIRB), and now implemented by all CCGs.

NHS England and NHS Improvement has now written to all ICSs and trusts in the country, outlining why this work must be implemented, and how to do it. You can see these documents here.

As with the COVID Oximetry @Home rollout, Health Innovation North West Coast is supporting our systems to set up the secondary care model. There is a special area of resources on FutureNHS.

The national COVID virtual ward introductory webinar was first presented in January 2021. The recording and the presentation slides are here.

The key difference between the COVID virtual ward and COVID Oximetry @Home is the former provides enhanced remote monitoring, with daily calls and hospital treatments for patients (including dexamethasone, anti-coagulation +/- trial drugs, and, in a small number of cases, home oxygen therapy). More differences are outlined in the table below.

Table displaying virtual ward information


You can view a webinar to see how the NHS is supporting the use of remote monitoring of residents using pulse oximetry, how this works in care homes, and the range of support and learning materials on offer. Watch the webinar here and visit The Health Innovation Network website for more information and to download the presentation.

For more information and access to resources, and for details of the next local webinar, please contact us.

View a recording of our introductory webinar here:

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